A desktop application that shows repos and user data from GitHub.
Please note this application only works on Windows. Mono and Wine, I did not test. Future versions of this project will include platform-agnostic capablities, so it is being worked on.
Things you can do with application is search GitHub users, look at repositories from a 10k foot view, go into to detail with a certain repository and clone a branch of that repository. Does not include git features. Will add that in the future.
This will be a standalone application in the future. For now, you will have to build this. Go into Visual Studio with the .NET Framework 4.6.1 or greater installed and click Start. This will build the applcaition and run this in debug mode.
That should be it.
Look at installation for details.
I don't know, I have to figure this out later.
Found a bug? You want a new feature in the program? Use the feedback form in the application or email me!