2023-05-30 13:33:52 -04:00
# .NET LTS development container image
# Written by Wyatt J. Miller, 2023
# This image is opinionated, but you're welcome to customize as much as you like
# Start with the Fedora 38 image
FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-toolbox:38
# Label it right, ya know?
ENV NAME=custom_dotnet_lts_image VERSION=1.0
LABEL com.github.containers.toolbox="true" \
com.redhat.component="$NAME" \
name="$NAME" \
version="$VERSION" \
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usage=".NET LTS custom developer image" \
summary="Wyatt's custom .NET LTS image" \
2023-05-30 13:33:52 -04:00
maintainer="Wyatt J. Miller <wyatt@wyattjmiller.com>"
# Install .NET and related tools
RUN dnf install dotnet-sdk-6.0 dotnet-sdk-6.0