// std lib imports use std::{thread, time}; // actual third party library being imported use rppal::spi::{Bus, Mode, SlaveSelect, Spi}; use smart_leds::{RGB8, SmartLedsWrite, brightness}; use ws2812_spi::Ws2812; // local files that need to be imported mod app; mod config; mod generate; mod request; const NUM_LEDS: usize = 150; fn main() { let spi = Spi::new(Bus::Spi0, SlaveSelect::Ss0, 3_000_000, Mode::Mode0) .unwrap(); let mut ws = Ws2812::new(spi); let mut configuration = config::init_config(); let mut is_headless: bool = false; loop { println!("{:?}", configuration); let power_text = configuration.get_power_status(); configuration.change_power(&power_text); let tvpower = app::match_to_power_status(power_text); match tvpower { app::TVPower::Off => { if is_headless == false { is_headless = true; let color = RGB8::new(0, 0, 0); let mut data = [RGB8::default(); NUM_LEDS]; for i in 0..NUM_LEDS { data[i] = color; } ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); } }, app::TVPower::On => { if false == configuration.is_change_app() { is_headless = false; let app_text = configuration.get_app_status(); configuration.change_active_app(&app_text); let activeapp = app::match_to_app(app_text); match activeapp { app::ActiveApp::Roku => { let data = change_color(&255, &0, &255); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 10)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::Hulu => { let data = change_color(&51, &255, &85); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::Netflix => { let data = change_color(&255, &77, &77); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::AmazonPrime => { let data = change_color(&99, &123, &255); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::Pandora => { let data = change_color(&99, &123, &255); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::Spotify => { let data = change_color(&51, &255, &85); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::Plex => { let data = change_color(&255, &187, &51); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::Crunchyroll => { let data = change_color(&255, &187, &51); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::Funimation => { let data = change_color(&255, &0, &255); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, app::ActiveApp::VRV => { let data = change_color(&255, &187, &51); ws.write(brightness(data.iter().cloned(), 32)) .unwrap(); }, _ => println!("We don't know what app is running right now..."), } } }, } let sec = time::Duration::from_secs(1); thread::sleep(sec); } } fn change_color(num_one: &u8, num_two: &u8, num_three: &u8) -> [RGB8; 150] { let color = RGB8::new(*num_one, *num_two, *num_three); let mut data = [RGB8::default(); NUM_LEDS]; for i in 0..NUM_LEDS { data[i] = color; } data }