using Pastel; public class StdOutDataService : IDataService { public StdOutDataService() { } public void WriteAll(SortedList dictResults) { ConsoleExtensions.Enable(); // TODO: this is the ordered dictionary. replace the sorted list with this variable. var sortedResults = dictResults.OrderByDescending(d => d.Value).ToList(); System.Console.WriteLine("--- Commit Report ---"); foreach (var i in sortedResults) { if (i.Value == sortedResults[0].Value) { Console.WriteLine($"Author: {i.Key}, Commits: {i.Value.ToString().Pastel("ffd700")}"); } else if (i.Value == sortedResults[1].Value) { Console.WriteLine($"Author: {i.Key}, Commits: {i.Value.ToString().Pastel("c0c0c0")}"); } else if (i.Value == sortedResults[2].Value) { Console.WriteLine($"Author: {i.Key}, Commits: {i.Value.ToString().Pastel("f4a460")}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Author: {i.Key}, Commits: {i.Value}"); } } } }